Cows are gone only a pony remains
A rusty old nail sticks out of a post
Sticking out of the ground in Dad’s field.
Its work is done, the cows are gone
Yet it refuses to yield.
Does it recall its younger days
When it was tall and strong?
And kept the cows from wondering
Where they did not belong?
Now lichen grows upon its side.
Birds claim it as their home.
The post is glad for company.
It’s tired of being alone.
When I was sad or I was mad
I’d lean against that post.
And ask why it stood among
The ruins that are but ghosts.
One day I heard an answer.
The breeze carried its reply.
I listened as it spoke to me.
And I will tell you why.
“Far off into the future
When present becomes past.
I will still be standing
For cedar posts do last.
Would you rather I give up and fall
As other posts have done?
Or stand in proud memory
To the cattle that are gone?
And love did not depend upon
The politics of man.
And neighbor stood with neighbor
Lending many a helping hand.
I stand in testimony
Of a time that is no more.
Although my days are waning
I’ll not fall to the wanton whore.
Who threatens to take over
All my memories of the past,
When row after row of fences
Meant security would last.”
I said goodbye to that old post
Giving thanks for what it said.
I walked away in silence
Knowing soon it would be dead.
For cedar posts, though tall and strong
Will never live forever.
Like men they die and dwell among
The evil and the better.
I just love your poetry! I read it slowly and could feel and smell the grass and hay still living under the guidance of the lone fence post..