Schenck v. United States

By Sharon M. Kennedy In 1919, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. wrote this Opinion in Schenck v. United States: “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic….The question in every case is whether…

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The Mouth of Truth

By Sharon M. Kennedy In Rome, there’s a marble mask called the “Mouth of Truth.” It rests against a portico wall in a village I won’t even attempt to spell. The other day I took a break from endless chores and watched an old movie called “Roman Holiday.” Audrey Hepburn…

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One Week to Doomsday

By Sharon M. Kennedy The midterm election is one week away. Regardless of who takes the Senate and House, one thing is certain. If the donkeys are successful, Doomsday will follow due to “rigged machines, fake ballots” and a host of other excuses why they couldn’t possibly have legitimately beaten…

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Millie Was Always Wrong

When I was earning my M.A. from Northern Michigan University, I was 53 years old. However, I was not the oldest student in the class. That distinction fell to Millie. No one knew how old she was, and we didn’t care. She was a sweet lady who was always prepared…

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Trump’s Craw Is Empty

Sharon Kennedy  |  Community Columnist Have you ever had something stuck in your craw? Something you wanted to say but just couldn’t get it out? Perhaps a relative upset you, but you held your tongue because you didn’t want to create a scene. When I was a kid, Mom often…

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Liz Cheney: Where do you go?

Sharon Kennedy A long time ago, a man called Cat Stevens changed his name to Yusuf Islam. I remember some of his songs from the 1970s. “Roadsinger,” in particular, seems appropriate in light of the recent Wyoming primary. Mixing up a few of the lyrics, Liz Cheney might be asking:…

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Why is my body your choice?

With the Supreme Court’s recent ruling regarding Roe v. Wade, it caused me to remember the summer I heard about newborns referred to as “Thalidomide babies.” I was quite young, perhaps just in my teens, when newscasters told of infants born with life-threatening birth defects. I recall sitting at our…

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