I have a little voice
That goes ’round and ’round in me.
And sometimes I don’t like it
For it makes me mind, you see.
It tells me when I’m being mean
To others in my path.
It tells me when I lie or steal
Or refuse to take a bath.
Sometimes I’d like to shake it
And make it go away.
It bothers me at nighttime
It bothers me at day.
On and on it stays with me
Walking by my side.
It never, ever leaves me.
From it I cannot hide.
What is this little voice
Trapped inside my heart?
Mama says it’s Jesus
And from me he won’t depart.
She says someday I’ll understand
What it means to be.
A Christian full of Jesus
Who died to set me free.
Right now it’s all mixed up inside
The brain within my head.
I think I’ll just stop thinking
And believe what Mama said.