I close my eyes and see my future.
Like a rubber band,
miles of years stretch before me.
I see horses hitched to plows
turning over the rich earth.
I see full seeders making the
length of the fields
and waves of ripe grain awaiting harvest.
I see winter’s gentle blanket covering silent pastures.
I see children
I see my intended watching over us.
Full of wisdom.
I see a hard life, but a solid one.
At the end of it
I see a large oak bed
surrounded by my loved ones
watching me leave this world.
I see this and more
as sunlight filters through my lacy curtains
and steals into my pores like a wanton lover.
I hear faint strains
as the fiddler readies his bow in preparation for the celebration.
the notes drift upward
penetrating the closed panes.
Tears spring to my eyes.
I thought today would be different.
I thought today would bring joy.
I slip down the back stairs.
I still have time.
Time to walk the fields alone.
Time to smell the clover.
Time to watch butterflies dance away their lives.
I still have time to change my mind.
What an amazing poem! Rips my heart out. I complete and huge story in just a few lines. Love it love it love it!
Thank you, Sue. Only in my dotage did I wonder what dreams Mom might have had that never saw light.